Tuesday 24 April 2012


Today was the last day of the wk9 exercise and my computer did not agree with me finishing it! It was freezing randomly every time my CPU (Central processing unit) was loaded with new work... I was only able to complete and save 1 rendered picture before it crashed.

The basic idea of this exercise was to add textures to our 3D models. Since I have already done most of this stuff I just made few changes. I changed and fixed grass texture that looked horrible in the last exercise. The textures of the trees were fixed, but phasade stayed the same as before.

Only rendered picture that I was able to create before my computer crashed multiple times in a row!
Although the lights will be used in exercise wk10 I have played with them for a while. I have added new lights for more smooth shadows. Then added a small amount of blue that would simulate the sky reflection. Then at the end the clouds were added to the rendered picture!

Since I have added most of the things to my model on wk7 and wk8 I am just going to correct old things and maybe add a few new ones during its creation.

Here is a tutorial on texture mapping for cinema 4D. 

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