Tuesday, 20 March 2012


We are already in week 4 of DMP and we jet again need to play with Adobe Illustrator! The starting presentation of our project was needed, so we had to do some kind diagram for the project idea. It could be in 3d as a model or with the use of 2d sections.  For the first part of three pictures I have created a simple 3d presentation of the composition. For this I used 2 simple blocks that connect to each other. 

Two objects that represent the building composition.

The second picture represents the basic composition of the interior space of this building. On the left side there is a setup of the seats (orientation) in the lecture hall. The right side is composed from two parts the upper part that represents the gallery and the lower part which is used as a lobby to both the lecture hall and the gallery.

The project is composed from three main parts

For the last part I decided to represent the full diagram of the area with the sun direction, access from the main road and potential parking space, which is not yet determined. 

Data that is important with the project concept

At first I really wanted to create 3d model based on my sketch. I imported the sketch into the illustrator and then draw some lines on top of it. After a few minutes of drawing all I could see was some non-symmetrical shapes… The plan did not work out so I changed some of the things and what you can see now is the end product. I know it is not much but the past week for me was really hectic so I did not have a willpower to do this few days earlier

This tutorial just blew my mind. Words can not say what this tutorial can show you. Watch it for your self :)

Saturday, 10 March 2012


Adobe Illustrator 

We are in third week of this subjects task and we were asked to create the representation of the area we will build in. This task was one of the less interesting ones... But it had to be done. 

During this exercise I was using Adobe Illustrator CS5.

First thing I had to do was think of what I am going to represent. Since I don’t have any experience from the field of the area representation it was really hard for me to decide what to represent. 

For the first representation I have created a diagram of the Faculty area where my building will stand. This part represents the composition of the sites materials. There aren’t a lot of plants or grass in the area of the FA. To this diagram I added the arrow that leads to the lower diagram with more transparent colors. The main roll in this part represents the green overlay with the percentage that represents one of the goals that I want to achieve with my project. This goal is at least 10-25% more plants and grass outside of this building.

The presentation of a goal I want to achieve with this project  (correct simular with similar)

Diagram that shows important locations near project area

Sunrise and sunset cycle for projects region area (February, May, August, November) 

Here I added a tutorial for people that want to learn more about creation of graphs and charts in Adobe Illustrator since I know I wasn’t really explaining how to do stuff in Ai.

I wasn’t really excited about this exercise. Making graphs and presentations with Ai is really boring, but we will all have to do/learn it sooner or later so it is got thing to at least start to explore this program which could be really handy if you know how to use it. I learned few new tricks while doing this exercise, but there is still a long way to go for me to create great presentations and fully understand the power of this tool. 

Here is my first sunrise/sunset diagram which I have corrected. After I posted it for the first time the sun on the right wasn't satisfying enough so it had to be changed so the sun itself merged with his side
1st attempt 

Thursday, 1 March 2012


Create a panorama picture

three corrected photos
The second weeks task for us was to correct pictures that we took and to create panoramic picture from those same photos. The lesson of 2nd week was to learn how to manipulate the image that was previously bad or full of  irregularities. All of the defects were corrected using Photoshop CS5 and Lightroom 4 beta.

First thing I had to do was to correct three random photos for exercise.

After they were finished I continued with Panoramic picture. The first thing that had to be done was correction of contrast and exposure. Of course I corrected white balance to! After playing some time with settings I got results that were pleasing enough to me so I continued to step two.

At step two I had to export all the needed pictures for work with Photoshop. This great program helped me to create a panoramic picture by going to File---> Automate---> Photomerge. After that there were only few simple steps to go. The pictures were selected from my library and after clicking the button OK I had to wait few seconds so the images could be processed and merged.

I was not satisfied with the picture that came out of the process because there were cables in the top left corner. With some help of healing brush tool I corrected that part and used the Crop tool to cut ugly looking edges. After that was done panoramic picture was good to go.

Uncut and uncorrected picture

Showing the correction of the wiring 

The final product - Panoramic picture

I added this great tutorial that will help people with less knowledge of creating a panorama picture.

This exercise was really fun to do! It was fun to watch how clean was the result of merging pictures. The lightroom 4 and Photoshop CS5 are great programs for manipulating with pictures so for everyone that likes to play with such a programs there is only one thing to do, get started!