Tuesday 28 February 2012


Pritzker Prize 2012

As we all know Pritzker Prize is one of the most prestigious
 awards that architect can get! They were given to architects such as Tadao Ando, Jean Nouvel, Jorn Utzon etc.

While I was reading Architect magazine on the internet I saw an article on this years winner. The winner is Chinese architect named Wang Shu. 
            He recieved this prize for the building of Ningbo History Museum.
This Prize is something special for Wang Shu as he is the only Chinese man who ever got this prize besides Leoh Ming Pei, who is an American born in China. As the Architect magazin says:

American I.M. Pei, FAIA, who won the award in 1983, is the only other Chinese-born individual to be so honoured. The prize will be formally presented on May 25 in Beijing, a site announced at the presentation of last year's Pritzker Prize to Portugal's Eduardo Souto de Moura in Washington, D.C. Interestingly, the Pritzker Prize website went bilingual earlier this month adding Chinese. It will be interesting to watch in coming years to see if the addition of new languages tips future winners.

To learn more about Wang Shu visit:
To read the full article in Architect Magazine visit: http://www.architectmagazine.com/architecture/wang-shu-wins-2012-pritzker-prize.aspx

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